Is Sentinel the best defensive God Power in AoM Retold against a rush?

Best God Power available in the Archaic Age

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The Sentinel is a defensive God Power in Age of Mythology, available to Greek players who worship Hades. When activated, it summons four stone Sentinels—tower-like guardians—at a target location. These Sentinels automatically attack any enemy units that come within their range, making them a formidable early-game defense.

Using the Sentinel power early on can be crucial for fortifying your town against initial raids. The Sentinels are perfect for protecting key structures and resources, providing a significant defensive boost without the need to construct additional towers.

You already have four towers that can be upgraded in the next age, and with the Sentinel, your firepower more than doubles. For fun, I used the God power 2 times —you have to admit, it looks pretty awesome.

Like any God Power, the first use is free, but the cost increases afterward—50 Favor points for the first use, with a 5-point increase each time. As you advance in the game, you’ll have more options to spend Favor on, but for highly defensive players, creating two layers of Sentinels can be a solid strategy. Additionally, it appears you can invoke the power up to three times per Center, so the developers have clearly considered this in the design.

Sentinels are stationary once summoned and can only be placed on Town Centers, Village Centers, or Fortresses. It’s generally best to use them early in the game if you’re worried about an opponent rushing you.

Compared to other God Powers from the Archaic Age, I believe this is the most powerful one if you want protection against rushes. The new Gullinbursti God Power from the Freyr DLC is also decent, but the golden boar vanishes too quickly. It would be nice if it stayed around a bit longer.

Sentinel Stats

  • Hitpoints: 250
  • Speed: Immobile (0)
  • Crush Armor: 10%
  • Hack Armor: 30%
  • Pierce Armor: 90%
  • Pierce Damage: 20 (80% effective)
  • Rate of Fire: 2.0 seconds
  • Number of Projectiles: 1

I highly recommend interacting with the statues. The robotic voices add an eerie atmosphere that truly showcases the incredible craftsmanship of this game. It’s one more reason to appreciate the game’s exceptional design.

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