Age of Mythology: Retold - All the Cheats
Recruit your own army of Osiris Gods.
4 min. read
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Key notes
- You can use them to summon literal Gods or unique creatures.
- They can also be used to gain resources.
- The best thing is that some cheat codes are reasonable and don’t feel like cheating.

Cheats are fun, especially in Age of Mythology: Retold, since the developers have really taken their time to come up with inventive cheat codes that, once activated, could make a boring match far more enjoyable. Or a campaign in Titan Difficulty Mode is bearable.
Some cheat codes in Age of Mythology: Retold are purely for fun, while others can help you carry on with your mission without necessarily feeling that you’ve cheated, which is the best thing. Other cheats are straight-out bonkers and will make sure you’ll never get bored.
To activate cheats in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll have to:
- Press Enter, and open the chat box.
- Type in the preferred cheat code, and then press Enter again.
- The result should take place.
It’s worth mentioning that cheat codes that summon units will summon those units at your Town Center, as you can see above in the featured image. Keep that in mind if you ever need an army of Osiris (although one is enough to annihilate your enemies).
With that being said, below is the complete list of all cheats that you can use in Age of Mythology: Retold:
Resource cheats:
DEVASD | 10,000 of all resources Instant work rate +200 Popcap Unlimited god power casts Spawn 3 UFOs Disable fog of war Fast movement speed for all scout units. Reset speed if used a second time. |
ATM OF EREBUS | 1,000 Gold |
JUNK FOOD NIGHT | 1,000 Food |
MOUNT OLYMPUS1,000 Favor | 1,000 Favor |
ENGINEERED GRAIN | Instantly fattens herd animals |
STONKS | 10000 Food, Wood, Gold, and Favors |
Titan/Creatures cheat codes:
FOOTY | Spawn a football and a Mountain Giant to kick it. Enables the tech: “footy”. |
PIECE CARTS? | Summon Kronos, the god/titan |
KRO NO! | Summon Kronos the god/titan |
BIG PROMO | Summon Gaia, the god/titan |
MOTHER NATURE | Summon Gaia the god/titan |
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! | Summon 100 monkeys at your Town Center |
WUV WOO | Summon a Flying Purple Hippo at your Town Center |
TINES OF POWER | Summon a Forkboy at your Town Center |
O CANADA | Summon a Lazer Bear at your Town Center |
BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK | Summon Bella the Superdog |
TITANOMACHY | Summon a Titan |
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA | Summon Arkantos, Amanra, Ajax, Odysseus, Chiron, Eitri, Brokk, Reginleif, and Setna |
ATLANTIS REBORN | Summon Kastor, Older Amanra, Older Ajax, and Folstagg |
SET ASCENDANT | Gain vision over all animals on the map |
TINFOIL HAT | Every unit on the map has a random ownership |
WRATH OF CYCLONE | All non-Nature living units on the map are turned into Titans |
MR.MONDAY | Make Titan 1000% handicapped |
God Powers cheat codes:
GREEK TO ME | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random Greek ones. |
N.D. NILE | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random Egyptian ones. |
OF NORSE NOT! | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random Norse ones. |
HOTLANTIS | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random Atlantean ones. |
DIVINE INTERVENTION | Grant +1 charge on all currently unlocked god powers |
PANDORAS BOX | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random god powers from any of the Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantean Pantheons |
ZENOS PARADOX | Replace any existing God Powers with 4 random god powers from any of the Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantean Pantheons |
WRATH OF THE GODS | Unlimited use of Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado |
GOATUNHEIM | Turn all units on the map into goats |
FEAR THE FORAGE | Turn Berry Bushes into Walking Woods |
BAWK BAWK BOOM | Grant the chicken-meteor god power, which rains down explosive chickens |
Other cheat codes:
ZAP EM | Bolt idle villagers every 15 seconds |
METEOR ROULETTE | Hit a random unit with the Meteor God Power |
CLEAR SKIES | Remove the fog of war and reveal the map. Type again to enable the fog of war |
LAY OF THE LAND | Remove the fog of war |
UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT | Enable the fog of war |
THRILL OF VICTORY | Instant win |
CHANNEL SURFING | Skip to the next cutscene |
L33T SUPA H4X0R | Remove the fog of war and reveal the map. Type again to enable the fog of war |
LETS GO! NOW! | Set the game 2X speed |
CONSIDER THE INTERNET | Slow down the game speed |
RED TIDE | Turns all the water red |
IN DARKEST NIGHT | Cycles through four different light settings |
RESET BUTTON | Remove all the buildings, excluding Town Centers or Citadel Centers |
With the addition of the Age of Mythology: Retold—Immortal Pillars (which you can get for free if you purchase the Premium version of the game) dozens of new cheat codes will reflect Chinese mythology. Keep an eye on this list; we’ll update it when that happens.
Happy gaming! And have fun obliterating your enemies!
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