Here are the Best Norse Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold
Age of Mythology: Retold adds 3 new Norse Minor Gods.
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Key notes
- The Norse Pantheon is focused on the offensive.
- It’s hard to choose from so many unique gods, but we did our best to bring you this list.

In Age of Mythology: Retold, choosing between Norse Minor Gods is always a trick (I hope Loki doesn’t see this) because this Pantheon is heavily focused on offensive strategies, and its Gods reflect them. So, it will not be about choosing the best god but rather about choosing the best offensive strategy—and we’ve got some of them—and picking up the best Gods that fit that particular strategy.
Sometimes, you pick Skadi, only to have the economic boost to sustain Baldr’s Ragnarok, for instance. Or you might forget about the Gods with Giants as their myth units, only to choose Hel, who will give you those giants anyway, to diversify your myth unit army.
There are dozens of reasons to pick those gods we listed as weaker in this list, but it’s worth mentioning that they’re not weak. It all depends on the situation. Plus, the best Norse Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold are the ones you enjoy playing.
It’s worth mentioning that the Retold version also adds a new Norse Major God, Freyir, which is pretty good. Along with him, the game unveils three new Norse Minor Gods, each with their own powerful God Powers and myth units. They are not available in the original game (which can still be purchased on Steam), and they can only be accessed if you have the Premium Edition of Age of Mythology: Retold.
Without further ado, here’s our list of the best Norse Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold.
The Best Norse Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold
Classical Gods
4. Forseti
Foresti is not by all means the weakest Norse God in Age of Mythology: Retold, but the truth is that all of the Norse Gods available in the Classical Age are good, so it’s hard to make this list. However, Forseti’s drawback is mainly the low speed of his Troll myth unit. Aside from that, this God, available to those who worship Thor and Loki, focuses on Berserks and Hersirs, and his God Power is incredibly useful.
His myth unit is the Troll, a powerful creature that can instantly kill units with its ability. However, it’s incredibly slow, and heroes can quickly take it out. But if there is an army of 4-5 Trolls, they can be quite devastating.
His God Power is the Healing Spring, an indestructible but capturable building that heals all your units getting close to it. It can be used to replenish the life of your army, but your enemy can take it away.
Should you choose Forseti? Yes. If you want to focus your army on Hersirs and Godi (the Norse hero units), choosing Forseti in the Classical Age is the right way to go. You can even strategize the Trolls to be effective, and the Healing Spring is mostly useful.
3. Freya
Freya is another excellent Norse god and a popular choice in the Age of Mythology: Retold community due to her myth unit and technological advancements that focus on cavalry and heroes. You can choose her if you worship Thor, Odin, or Freyir (the last one is a major God only available in Retold; the original game doesn’t have him).
Her myth unit is the Valkyrie, one of the most versatile creatures in this Tier. The Valkyrie is a Cavalry type of myth unit, strong in battle, and can also heal nearby units quite fast. It can be an excellent supporting and offensive unit and the backbone of your initial Norse army.
Her God Power is Forest Fire, which can be devastating if used correctly. As its name suggests, Forest Fire fires the woods, destroying trees and damaging buildings and units nearby. Naturally, it should be used on wooded maps.
Should you choose Freya? Yes, you should. Her tech gives Hersirs and Godi more hitpoints. Cavalry also benefits from her perks, including a bonus in speed and health. Valkyrie is a great unit that can easily replace the Healing Spring.
2. Ullr
Ullr is only available in Age of Mythology: Retold to those who worship the Norse Major God Freyir, so this god is unavailable in the original game. Ullr is a great Minor God mainly thanks to his God Power, and his tech benefits the Longhouse and Hill Fort units.
His myth unit is the Draugr, an undead archer-type creature capable of shooting multiple enemies simultaneously. It’s a strong creature, and it’s also quite resilient to attacks. Appropriately coordinated, it can be devastating, and it can take out small armies.
His God Power is the Asgardian Bastion, which summons an Asgardian Hill Fort – basically a stronger Hill Fort – an age earlier, giving you access to tech and units earlier. The Asgardian Hill Fort can defend itself, and it can be summoned everywhere on the map as long as there is a line of sight.
Should you choose Ullr? Yes, you’ll have to choose between him and Freya, and quite honestly, you should always choose him as he’s one of the best Norse Gods in the Age of Mythology: Retold. Unless you focus on Heroes, Ullr is the perfect choice.
1. Heimdall
Heimdall is usually considered the best Norse Minor God in the Classical Age thanks to his tech research that allows this Pantheon to build faster and cheaper. He can be chosen if you worship Odin or Loki, and you’ll get plenty of benefits for doing so.
His myth unit is the Einheri, a powerful but slow creature, incredibly effective against buildings, and it can boost the attack of the nearby army.
His God Power is Undermine, which instantly destroys walls and guard towers while also damaging the enemy’s buildings, making it perfect for offensive strategies.
Should you choose Heimdall? Yes, he’s a great Norse God and probably one of the best minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold. His focus on buildings makes him valuable early in the game, and his myth units can help your army become stronger on the battlefield.
Heroic Gods
4. Skadi
Skadi is usually perceived as one of the weaker Norse Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold due to her defensive skills. She can be chosen under the tutelage of Odin and Thor, and her tech is amongst the fewest of this Pantheon focused on economic growth.
Her myth unit is the Frost Giant, a powerful but slow myth creature that can freeze other units. Best used defensively, the Frost Giant is resilient but expensive.
Her God Power is Frost, which can be used offensively and defensively. It freezes units in a certain area for a limited period, rendering them almost invulnerable to attacks. It’s best when used defensively, as it will give you time to assert your position.
Should you choose Skadi? Well, it depends on the situation. Her tech focuses on the economy, and that’s always good, and her Frost Giants are powerful creatures, but as a whole, she’s not that attractive.
3. Aegir
Aegir is part of the newer Norse Gods not present in the original game (which can still be purchased), and only available to those who worship Freyir (which you can get by purchasing the Premium Edition of Age of Mythology: Retold). His focus is on myth units and siege weapons, and as a whole, he’s a good option.
His myth unit is the Rock Giant, a powerful and incredibly resilient creature that is devastating against buildings. It can be upgraded to Bergrisar, increasing its attack and healing itself when attacking buildings.
His God Power is Tempest, a decent ability that damages and slows down units in a certain area.
Should you choose Aegir? Well, you’ll have to choose between him and Bragi, and while Bragi is a better option (you’ll see why in a minute), Aegir is also a good option if you’re focusing on Myth units and Heroes. His tech gives them more attack, and your ships will be able to automatically summon Kraken when fighting, so if you’re on a water map, choose Aegir. He also bestows the ability for Town Centers, Hill Forts, and Asgardian Hill Forts to heal nearby units.
2. Bragi
Bragi is one of the best Norse Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold, mainly thanks to his tech advancements that focus on infantry and myth units. His God Power also makes him one of the most popular choices in this Pantheon, as it can be the decisive factor in a battle. He can be chosen if you worship Thor, Loki, or Freyr.
His myth unit is the Battle Boar, a decent creature, exceptionally good at destroying buildings, and it can be damage multiple units at the same time.
His God Power is the Flaming Weapons which increases damage done by all of your creatures by 75% for 1 minute, and it’s best used when all the armory tech has been researched.
Should you choose Bragi? Yes, Bragi is always the best choice if you’re unsure of your strategy, as his tech is versatile. It will boost your myth units, army, and naval fleet. Plus, every time one of your Berserks is killed, you’ll gain extra favor. On top of these, his God Power is just the cherry on the top, and it can win you matches easily.
1. Njord
Njord is the best Norse Minor God of the Heroic Age in the Age of Mythology: Retold thanks to him many tech advancements, his strong myth unit, and his God Power, which is the basis of one of the most popular Norse Build Orders. He can be chosen if you worship Odin or Loki, and he gives you advantages on both sea and land.
His myth units are the Mountain Giant (on land) and Kraken (on sea). Both are powerful creatures capable of taking down units and buildings quickly. While the Mountain Giant is slow, it has a lot of health to compensate for it, and the Kraken can destroy ships with one hit.
His God Power is Walking Woods, a decent ability that allows you to create powerful creatures out of nearby Trees. It can be used defensively and offensively, and it’s part of a popular Norse Build Order that allows you to win a match easily.
Should you choose Njord? Yes, he’s always a good choice. Your Hill Forts units, especially Jarls, will be stronger and quicker, and one of Njord’s techs, Vikings, will have them earn 1 gold for each 8 damage done. So you can actively earn favors and gold while fighting.
Mythic Gods
4. Tyr
Tyr, as a Mythic Norse God, is quite underwhelming. While his popular Berserkergang tech will heal up Berserks as they deal damage, his myth unit and God Power can be easily managed. He can be chosen if you worship Thor, Odin, and Loki, and you can do so if you want to focus on your infantry.
His myth units are the Fenris Wolf Brood and Jormun Elver. The first one is relatively cheap for a Mythic myth unit, and grows stronger if other Fenris Wolves are near, however the benefit reaches its maximum when there are 6 Wolves. The Jormun Elver is relatively strong against other sea-based myth units and fleets.
His God Power is Filmbumwinter, which summons packs of wolves to attack the enemy’s Town Centers.
Should you choose Tyr? Well, as we said earlier, Tyr could be a great choice if you want to focus strictly on your infantry. His tech will let Berserks regenerate themselves while fighting, and the Filbumwinter can be chosen to harass the enemy (although it’s too Favor costly). However, his myth unit, especially the Fenris Wolves, must be recruited in packs for a chance against their enemy.
3. Hel
Hel is a very good choice if you prefer to focus on myth units. She can be chosen if you worship Loki or Freyir, and she’s a popular choice thanks to her amazing God Power. If you’re playing with Loki, who already favors myth units, Hel is mandatory, as her tech will give your myth units more points and greatly reduce the time to recruit them.
Her myth units are the Frost, Mountain, and Fire Giants. You’re getting almost all the Norse giants under her tutelage.
Her God Power is Nidhogg, which acts like the Son of Osiris. It summons Nidhogg, a powerful dragon, a flying unit that can only targeted by ranged units and buildings. It’s exceptionally strong, and it can easily wipe out armies by itself. But it’s also quite susceptible to attacks.
Should you choose Hel? If you’re playing with Loki, it’s mandatory, as she will make your myth units stronger, and you can have them available in seconds. Plus, her Nidhogg is like a smaller Titan, and it can be devastating on the battlefield. Keep it away from heroes, though.
2. Vidar
Vidar is the new Mythic Norse God that can be chosen if you worship Freyir, and he’s quite good thanks to his tech advancements that focus on infantry, and Hersirs. His God Power and myth unit are also two good aspects of Vidar.
His myth unit is Farnir, a wingless dragon that deals huge damage to units and buildings, but it will reward gold to those who slay it. It will also passively damage units close to it with poison.
His God Power is Inferno, a fiery storm that damages units and buildings in a specific area, and it’s best to use it right before you attack the enemy’s base.
Should you choose Vidar? Yes, if you’re playing with Freyr, Vidar is an exceptional choice for your infantry. They will be stronger, and coupled with Bragi’s Flaming Weapons, they will become killing machines on the battlefield.
1. Baldr
Baldr is the best Norse Minor God in Age of Mythology: Retold because he’s balanced. His God Power is incredible but comes at a cost; his myth unit is powerful but expensive, and his tech focuses on siege and cavalry, but not infantry. He can be chosen if you worship Odin or Thor, and you should do it, if you have the chance.
His myth unit is the Fire Giant, a ranged creature that deals hack and crush damage, and it’s exceptionally powerful against infantry and buildings.
His God Power is Ragnarok, and once cast, it turns all of your Gatherers and Dwarves into Heroes of Ragnarok, powerful hero units that benefit from all armor advancements. They do huge damage to myth units. However, casting Ragnarok will stagnate your economy completely. Despite all this, it’s one of the most powerful God Powers in the game.
Should you choose Balrd? Yes, once you reach Mythic Age, and have enough resources to replenish your Gatherers and Dwavers, Ragnarok will get you tens of strong Hero units that can be devastating – they can singlehandedly take down a Titan. The Fire Giant is also a great myth unit to have.
So, this is our list of the best Norse Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold. If you want to know who to choose next time, make sure to check out the lists for the Greek, Egyptian, and Atlantean Pantheon.
It’s also worth mentioning that this is only our list, and if we placed Tyr as the weakest of Mythic Gods, it doesn’t mean he is. The same goes with Hel, and not choosing her when focusing on myth units or playing with Loki as your Major God is pretty much blasphemy.
For example, I almost always choose Skadi because of her economic perks and Frost Giants, which happens to be one of my favorite myth units. So, ultimately, it’s all up to your preferences. This list should make it easier for you if you want to win competitive matches.
That being said, our series with the best Minor Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold has ended for now. But the Chinese-based Immortal Pillars will be out soon, and we’ll also cover the Chinese Pantheon.
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